Saturday, June 2, 2012


Yasmin, a follower on our fb won a free costume for being the first one to share our page. She chose Sailor Mars. Here is our first installment of the costume. Hopefully we can get her over to our new craft room (almost done with it, pics coming soon) to get her measurements. The gem we have is just a place holder, we are working on something custom out of resin. =)

(these pictures above were taken with our fancy new camera XD)

And this is a picture of "The Boots", official Tiki Crafts' Mascot #1, as Sailor Boots.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Like us!

Tiki Crafts now has a facebook. Please support us by liking us here!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Purchased a new chamber

Check out the new camera we bought. We are excited to be able to deliver better quality photos of our crafts, costumes, and props in the near future.
We bought the camera because we were tired of taking pictures from our phones and crappy digital cameras. We needed MORE!
We also bought it so we would be able to travel and take photos of costumes (Mainly Link photos) in faraway places on our schedule rather than a photographers and have to pay insane travel fees. 
Also, no one knows what you want out of a picture better than you do.

"The Boots" official Tiki Crafts Mascot #1

"The Trouser" official Tiki Crafts Mascot #2
If you would like to know more, simply go here Sony Nex 3 review to check out all the cool features.

Th review I linked s for the nex 5 but its pretty much the same except for a slight difference in video quality

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bracing up

A while back we found this tutorial on how to make craft foam armor: Penwiper's Craft Foam Tutorial but had not had a direct need to use it. A friend of ours asked us to help him with a last minute costume for renaissance festival. I would have loved to make him an entire outfit, but we didn't have the time. So he bought a fluffy shirt, grabbed some dickies, put on a belt he already owned, and we provided the finishing touch- the bracers.

We made them out of craft foam because its fast, cheap, easy, and would probably only be one time use.

We took our link gauntlets as a model and cut out similarly shaped pieces. It doesn't look that great when they are flattened out like in the image.

But once we shape them over the stove, they start looking much better. We glue them on with regular school glue. I know there is a process to seal them, make them hard, and paint them, but we didn't find that necessary for what we were using them for.

We had no need to paint them because we simply chose the foam in the colors we wanted the gauntlets in.
Once we were happy with the shape, we added grommets and some shoe lace we found off some old dress shoes. and voila!

Our buddy Alex, sporting his new gear.
I would love to hear what you guys think. More posts coming this week hopefully to catch up.

  • Its been a little hard to post because of Nursing school, and making renovations to the house because Marcus moved in with me. XD
  • Also, since we had success with craft foam armor in this instance, we decided we could use it to make Ganondorf. Preliminary update on that soon to come.
  • Malon is nearly done. I just need to paint the apron. Photo shoot should be coming soon.
  • Renaissance festival headband soon to come
  • I just made a costume for next renfestival, photo shoot coming soon also.

 I hope you enjoyed this.

Malon Teaser

This isn't the whole costume on. It is done at this moment but not in this picture.

This is just a teaser till I get some professional pictures done. Hope you like it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Its all because of Bowser

I think I did a pretty goooood job with the bowser brooch for malon.  I began my first real attempt at making anything clay related. Ive had three trials and the second one was the best but it came at a cost. I made a pretty big mistake and I thought it would be important to share it with everyone. DO NOT paint polymer clay with spray paint. Apparently the petroleum in the clay reacts with the clay causing a reaction. It makes the surface very bubbly and sticky and it will never dry. Apparently you should condition the clay with gesso, and then paint it with acrylic paint or

Anything else water based. That was not the only lesson to be learned but at that point I thought all was lost and I had to start a third time (hence the third try) but I did not. I realized I could scrape off most of the paint really easily but I couldnt quite reach the inner bits like the eyes and inside the mouth. So I tried 'goof off' its a product sold at hardware stores thats ment to clean up crayon marks and graffiti.  And that works wonders. It took all of it off without damaging the clay. Im sooo glad I could save it.

Now, I need your help to decide which bowser brooch for malon looks best, left or right?

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Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hey guys, sorry that I have been M.I.A lately. I recently got accepted into nursing school and have been pretty busy being a responsible adult and such.

I am trying to schedule in some craft time and I believe I am going to start working on stuff at least and hour or two on fridays.

I will be attending the Renaissance festival this Saturday so I will be posting pictures of something I made especially for this and hopefully I will get inspired by things there.

Thanks for sticking around.

Projects in progress: Ruppees, Malon costume, Mirror shield, Link photoshoot

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

For Freedom!!!!!

In my first post, I mentioned that I would be making kilts for an event called Tough Mudder. Here is a video that explains the event: Nine of us decided that we would go with a Brave Heart theme and so I was asked to make kilts. I made 3 of them, 2 did wear kilts and the other 3 were made by Danish's boyfriend. Here I posted pictures of the 3 I made, sorry for the poor photos they were taken in a rush right before we left for the race.
 This is the one I made for myself: I wasn't too happy with it, I like the ones I made for the boys better. I did a simple waist band with two buttons on the side and left that side open with a slit for range of motion. The skirt has some pleads in the front, but the pictures make them hard to see. I ironed them, but they didn't stay very long except for there they are sewed at the top.I should have used some startch, or some interfacing or something to make them more permanent.

This is actually the first one I made, and I think it came out the best because I took the most time on it. And No, he is not nude under there, hes just wearing very skimpy under wear. Everyone at the even thought he was naked.

This one also came out pretty well, it was the second one I made. He has it on a little crooked, and i probly should have not made the slit so wide. I didn't bother  hemming the bottoms because these were going to get very very destroyed and I anticipated them possibly getting thrown out (which they didn't), so I didn't want to put too much effort into them. I plan on making them again, but much much nicer and with a lot more effort so it is something to be kept and cherished and not be trampled through the gorges at Tough Mudder.  By the end of the even the bottoms were very tattered. I hope to get some pictures of the ends soon and make another post about it.
As for working with flannel material, it is the best material I have ever worked with. I'm not sure why but it has been the easiest to sew, the easiest to cut, and the easiest to rip the seams if I make a mistake.

I ♥ flannel.